How Bao dat

Since arriving in London I've written one measly post. One. Even for me, who's probably the worst food blogger in the world, one in half a year is pretty bad.  In the six months I've been here I've managed to fit in some amazing meals so I will eventually get around to popping them all … Continue reading How Bao dat

LDN living: one month in

If you know me well or follow me on any form of social media you'll already know that I have finally made the move to London. After so many trips to the 'Big Smoke' and so many blog posts written with proclamations of my undying love for the city I have actually been a little bit … Continue reading LDN living: one month in


For anyone who loves food and is also a keen instagrammer (these days they come hand in hand), you're bound to have heard of Dishoom. If not, put it on your radar like, right now. Talking of Instagram, that's exactly where I found Dishoom a while back and I sat, salivating whilst looking at all … Continue reading Dishoom

Meat Sweats

Hang Fire Smokehouse have finally opened their door after years of pop ups, awards and so much anticipation felt by the people of Cardiff. I'm not even smoking with you.... I've seen the abundance of excited tweets with my own beady eyes. Since managing to book a table at this sought after restaurant I've been rolling … Continue reading Meat Sweats