B to the rownies 

Brownies are my go-to bake and I am more than happy anout the fact I've finally perfected my recipe. All brownies baked using the soon to be divulged recipe have been greeted with rave reviews that aren't just off my mum. They are the most versatile things you can bake, they taste like heaven and … Continue reading B to the rownies 

Healthy Crumble

As you can tell, if you follow me on Instagram, I've spent my entire weekend baking up a storm in the kitchen. It started off with granola on Friday evening (wild), the Hemsley and Hemsley banana bread with the addition of raspberry (crazy) and then finished it off with a 'healthy' rhubarb and blackberry crumble … Continue reading Healthy Crumble


To celebrate the fact it's Friday and the fact it's National Donut Day, I channelled my inner Homer Simpson and whipped up some of those delicious rings of dough and sugar. Now, as we (It's on Cardiff) are doing a month of health and fitness I've attempted Paleo donuts and considering they were moderately healthy … Continue reading D’oh